AUUG AUUG Security Symposium
19-21 November 2001 - Brisbane 

Call for Papers/Presentations and Tutorials

AUUG Security Symposium 2001
19-21 November, 2001

The AUUG Security Symposium provides a forum for discussion of security
technologies, techniques and management.

Our society today is highly dependant on our almost pervasively
interconnected systems. Hence we are also dependant upon the security of
these systems. As Governments and private industry become increasingly
aware of the vulnerability of our systems there is a growing requirement
for security education and for practioners to share their knowledge for
the greater good.

This symposium aims to fill a gap in the Australian conference scene
between the high cost commercial conferences (where attendees hear mainly
marketing pitches) and the academic-based research conferences. It is
unashamedly for the practioner in the field who wants to share or learn more
about how to secure their systems (be it a PC operating systems, a huge
network or a client server application).

The AUUG security symposium will be a three day event with paper presentations and
tutorials. The symposium is to be held from Monday, 19 to Wednesday 21
November 2001, at the Auditorium of the Primary Industries Department,
80 Ann St, Brisbane. Monday will be for tutorials and the Tuesday and
Wednesday for paper presentations.

Call for presentations/papers and tutorials:

Authors are invited to submit abstracts associated with information
security presenting any of the following:

Speaker Incentives:

Paper presenters are afforded free conference registration. Potential tutorial presenters should
contact the conference committee regards options for renumeration.

Form of Submissions:

Please submit an abstract together with an outline.
The outline should contain enough detail to allow the program committee
to make a reasoned decision about the final presentation.  An abstract
shold include:

  1. 1. Author names(s), postal addresses, telephone numbers, fax and e-mail
  2. addresses.
  3. 2. A biographical sketch not to exceed 100 words.
  4. 3. Abstract: 100 words.
  5. 4. Audio-visual requirements: Please indicate your requirements for overhead projector or video/computer equipment.

Authors whose submissions are accepted are asked to provide a
presentation in some machine readable format which can be converted to
HTML or PDF.  A formal paper is not required, but is welcomed.  Copies
of presentations will be made available on the WWW after the conference.

Relevant Dates:

Abstract and outlines due: 31 August 2001
Acceptance: 30 September 2001


There will be a exhibition area as part of the conference for product vendors and
service/consultancy providers. Expressions of interest can be addressed to Liz
Carroll (AUUG Business Manager) on or phone
02 8824 9511 or 1800 625 655 or Fax (02) 8824 9522


Please submit hard copy or electronic copy
(preferred) of abstracts and outlines to:

Organising Committee:

Gary Gaskell - Bank of Queensland
Warren Toomey - Bond University
Duncan Unwin - QSI
Lawrie Brown - ADFA
Liz Carroll - AUUG

For enquiries on conference registration, accommodation arrangements,
promotion, venue and other matters not relating to the submission of
papers, contact the AUUG Business Manager or phone
02 8824 9511 or 1800 625 655 or Fax (02) 8824 9522.

Up to date information will be available at

Last updated 28 June 2001

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