The Installfest has already happened... Sorry if you had missed it.

Please fill in the following information if you wish to have Linux or FreeBSD installed or configured on your PC as part of the installfest. Your name and email address are compulsory, as is the question at the end. All information provided will be kept confidential, and email addresses provided will not be given to any third party. You needn't worry about SPAM, because we hate it more than you!

If you have trouble filling in this form, please contact one of the people listed here.

While registration is not compulsory, registering will ensure that you get priority at an install.

First Name: (compulsory)
Last Name: (compulsory)
Email Address: (compulsory)
I want someone to

If you selected "I want someone to help me configure my Linux/FreeBSD box", tell us what you need help in configuring:
  If you selected "I want someone to install Linux/FreeBSD for me", and you have any special instructions, write them here:
Devices: 3.5" Floppy Disk Drive
  CD-ROM Drive
  Network Card
  Zip Drive
Graphics Card:
Printer: (if bringing)
Modem: (if known)

On the day you will be required to sign a waiver indicating that you will not hold LinuxSA or AUUG or any individual, responsible for any loss you may suffer. This is a condition for receiving assistance from us. Do you accept this?
Yes No
Sorry Unacceptable - \n"; echo "
\n"; if (!$firstname) echo "You need to supply your first name
\n"; if (!$lastname) echo "You need to supply your last name
\n"; if (!$emailaddress) echo "You need to supply your email address
\n"; if ($AcceptRightsWaiver != "yes") echo "You need to accept the waiver to be part of installfest.
\n"; echo "If this isn't acceptable, sorry, we can't help you.
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "Hit back on your browser window to re-enter data.\n"; } else { # Required fields have been entered global $DEBUG_LEVEL; if ($DEBUG_LEVEL >= 8) { echo "Installee debug information
\n"; echo "    firstname : $firstname
\n"; echo "    lastname : $lastname
\n"; echo "    emailaddress : $emailaddress
\n"; echo "    dowhat : $dowhat
\n"; echo "    whatinfo : $whatinfo
\n"; echo "    computer : $computer
\n"; echo "    ram : $ram
\n"; echo "    floppy : $floppy
\n"; echo "    cdrom : $cdrom
\n"; echo "    networkcard : $networkcard
\n"; echo "    zipdrive : $zipdrive
\n"; echo "    vga : $vga
\n"; echo "    printer : $printer
\n"; echo "    modem : $modem
\n"; echo "    AcceptRightsWaiver : $AcceptRightsWaiver
\n"; echo "    registerinstallee : $registerinstallee
\n"; } # Now put this in the database @$connection = getdbconn(); if (!$connection) { echo "Whoops! an error occured. Sorry.\n"; } $firstname = addslashes($firstname); $lastname = addslashes($lastname); $emailaddress = addslashes($emailaddress); $AcceptRightsWaiver = addslashes($AcceptRightsWaiver); $dowhat = addslashes($dowhat); $whatinfo = addslashes($whatinfo); $computer = addslashes($computer); $ram = addslashes($ram); $floppy = addslashes($floppy); $cdrom = addslashes($cdrom); $networkcard = addslashes($networkcard); $zipdrive = addslashes($zipdrive); $vga = addslashes($vga); $printer = addslashes($printer); $modem = addslashes($modem); $sql = "INSERT INTO installees (firstname, lastname, email, ewaiver, paperwaiver, description) VALUES ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$emailaddress', '$AcceptRightsWaiver', 'FALSE', '$dowhat ( $whatinfo ) $computer $ram $floppy $cdrom $networkcard $zipdrive $vga $printer $modem');"; #@$result = pg_exec ($connection, $sql); $result= mysql_query ($sql) or die ("BAD QUERY-> ".mysql_error() ); if (!$result) { echo "

Error - Could not register installee"; echo " - data lost.

"; echo "Please click "; echo "here"; echo " to reload this page, or your browser's Back key to try again."; } else { echo "

Congratulations... You have now been registered as an installee for Installfest 2002: Unplugged

"; echo "You may be emailed to confirm your registration
\n"; echo "Please click "; echo "here"; echo " to return to the installfest web page.

"; } closedbconn(); } } function registerpage() { // echo "just spacing\n"; echo "

Installfest Registration

\n"; global $registerinstallee; $registerinstallee=$_POST["registerinstallee"]; if ($registerinstallee) { registerInstallee(); } else { installeeEntry(); } } display("sidebar", "registerpage"); ?>