Help Others Installing or Configuring Linux.

Please fill in the following information if you wish to help out at the installfest either installing or configuring Linux/FreeBSD on other people's PCs.

Note that we expect you to be just as careful with other people's machines as you would be with your own.

If you have trouble filling in this form, please contact one of the people listed here.

First Name: (compulsory)
Last Name: (compulsory)
Email Address: (compulsory)
I can help:
If you can help installing, what can you comfortably install?
If you can help configure, what can you comfortably configure?
I want to help out at the
Sorry Unacceptable - \n"; echo "
\n"; if (!$firstname) echo "You need to supply your first name
\n"; if (!$lastname) echo "You need to supply your last name
\n"; if (!$emailaddress) echo "You need to supply your email address
\n"; echo "If this isn't acceptable, sorry, you can't help s :-(
\n"; echo "
\n"; echo "Hit back on your browser window to re-enter data.\n"; } else { #echo "We're handling an installer
\n"; #echo "    firstname : $firstname
\n"; #echo "    lastname : $lastname
\n"; #echo "    emailaddress : $emailaddress
\n"; #echo "    offering : $offering
\n"; #echo "    install : $install
\n"; #echo "    configure : $configure
\n"; #echo "    installer : $installer
\n"; # Now put this in the database @$connection = getdbconn(); if (!$connection) { echo "Whoops! an error occured. Sorry.\n"; } $firstname = addslashes($firstname); $lastname = addslashes($lastname); $emailaddress = addslashes($emailaddress); $offering = addslashes($offering); $install = addslashes($install); $configure = addslashes($configure); $sql = "insert into helpers (firstname, lastname, email, offering, install, configure, confirmed, installer_here) VALUES ('$firstname', '$lastname', '$emailaddress', '$offering', '$install', '$configure', 'FALSE', 'FALSE');"; #@$result = pg_exec ($connection, $sql); $result = mysql_query($sql) or die ( "Bad Query-> ".mysql_error() ); if (!$result) { echo "

Error - Could not register helper"; echo " - data lost.

"; echo "Please click "; echo "here"; echo " to reload this page, or your browser's Back key to try again."; } else { echo "

Congratulations... You have now been registered as a helper for installfest 2001

"; echo "You may be emailed to confirm your registration
\n"; echo "Please click "; echo "here"; echo " to reload the installfest web page."; } closedbconn(); } } function helperspage() { global $registerhelper; if ($registerhelper) { registerHelper(); } else { helperEntry(); } } display("sidebar", "helperspage"); //phpinfo(); ?>